Annual Security Report - Oct. 2023
The Student Right to Know,Campus Security,and Compliance Report is published on an annual basis as required under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C.§1092(f) (“Clery Act”) as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013,and includes statistical, policy and procedural information as required by law and includes the 2021 Crime Awareness Report for the Lexington R-V School District.This report provides information on campus security measures, crime awareness and prevention, and crime statistics to current students, prospective students, and employees of the Lexington R-V School District. Crime statistics are provided for the last three (3) calendar years for each campus.
Unless otherwise indicated, the policies and procedures described here in apply to all LLRTC campuses. The Adult Education Supervisor of LLRTC prepares this report to comply with the Clery Act. Each year, an email notification is made to all enrolled students and employees that provide the website to access this report. Copies of the report may also be obtained from the Adult Education Supervisor.
To view the Crime Awareness Report, visit and Search for Lex La-Ray Technical Center.
The Crime Awareness Report - contains information about security issues at the campuses. Major issues include:
- You have the right to know - you should know how safe your college is.
- How to report a crime - location, office hours, and phone numbers, as well as information on crime reporting.
- Timely warning policy - how and when Campus Safety Alerts are issued.
- Emergency notification policy - provides for the issuance of an emergency alert to the LLRTC community if a significant emergency has arisen.
- Emergency response and evacuation procedures - procedures to respond to significant emergency or dangerous situations.
- About public safety - information about Lexington Police Department.
- Access to buildings - hours of access to LLRTC buildings.
- Maintenance considerations in the security of campus facilities - description of LLRTC’s efforts to maintain safety and security of buildings and grounds.
- Security services - special safety and security services provided by the Police Department.
- Education and awareness - description of LLRTC’s crime prevention and awareness programs and procedures.
- Procedures for victims: reporting sexual offenses/incidents/violence/stalking - prevention education and information programs.
- Seeking medical attention - a list of medical providers and additional resources.
- Disciplinary Procedures/Victims of Violent Crimes - details including the code of student conduct.
- Registered sex offenders information - where to obtain a list of registered sex offenders.
- Relationship with local law enforcement - information on LLRTC’s relationship with state and local law enforcement agencies.
- Definitions of crimes - the definitions LLRTC uses to classify reported crimes.
- Safety Tips - includes important information regarding personal safety.
- Crime statistics- information identifying the occurrence of criminal offenses and number of arrests for crimes occurring on campus and adjacent public property over the last three calendar years. The section also includes the number of arrests and disciplinary referrals for liquor law violations, drug abuse violations, and weapons possessions.
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